Shanghai, China +86-21-38214394

Enhance Workplace Safety with Reliable Fall Protection Solutions


Enhance Workplace Safety with Reliable Fall Protection Solutions

In high-risk work environments, fall protection is crucial to ensure the safety of workers and prevent accidents. At Shanghai C&G, we understand the importance of reliable fall protection systems and offer a comprehensive range of solutions to meet your specific needs. With our cutting-edge technology and commitment to safety, we provide top-quality fall protection equipment that you can trust.

Fall Protection Harnesses: Our fall protection harnesses are designed with the utmost care to provide maximum safety and comfort. Equipped with durable straps, adjustable buckles, and secure attachment points, our harnesses ensure that workers are securely fastened and protected in elevated positions.

Fall Protection

Fall Arrest Systems: Our advanced fall arrest systems are engineered to quickly and effectively arrest falls, minimizing the risk of injury. With innovative features such as energy-absorbing lanyards and reliable connectors, our systems provide reliable protection in the event of a fall.

Retractable Lanyards: For enhanced mobility and convenience, our retractable lanyards are an ideal choice. These self-retracting devices offer freedom of movement while maintaining constant tension, allowing workers to perform their tasks efficiently and safely.

Safety Anchorage Points: To ensure a secure connection for fall protection systems, we offer a wide range of safety anchorage points. These robust and durable points are designed to withstand high loads and provide reliable attachment options for fall arrest equipment.

Comprehensive Training and Support: At Shanghai C&G, we go beyond providing top-quality equipment. We offer comprehensive training programs to educate your workforce on fall protection best practices, equipment usage, and emergency response. Our dedicated support team is always available to address any questions or concerns you may have.


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Shanghai C&G's personal protective clothing and PPE products are trusted by customers in the world. Our products are exported worldwide, with a strong presence in the United States, China, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, France, Italy, Brazil, and Canada. In addition, we have a significant customer base in other countries across each continent, including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Nigeria, and Egypt in Africa; Argentina, Chile, and Mexico in South America; Russia, South Korea, and Indonesia in Asia; Spain, Poland, and Turkey in Europe; and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East. Wherever you are in the world, we have the products you need to stay safe and protected. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you meet your safety needs.

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